Learning Areas


At St George Preca, we deliver an English program that aims to develop skills and competencies in Reading, Writing, Viewing, Speaking and Listening.  We promote a program based on high expectations for all students through structured, explicit teaching and ongoing assessment.

We use many approaches to assist us in developing our learning. In literacy, assessment tools used are:

  • Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System (BAS)
  • PAT Reading, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
  • SEAPART: School Entry Alphabetic and Phonological Awareness Readiness Test
  • Record of Oral Language

English is taught each day, through a whole/ small /whole model for learning, which enables the teacher to immerse the students in various forms of literature and deliver the content from the Victorian Curriculum. Skills are explicitly taught using many strategies across independent, group and whole-class settings.

Our Reading program is supported by the use of the Fountas & Pinnell Continuum and resources. This is an evidence-based program that addresses the behaviours of a good reader; thinking within, beyond and about the texts they read and hear. Fountas & Pinnell helps guide our teachers in curriculum planning.

A range of interventions exist to further monitor and support students. Included in these are programs such as Levelled Literacy Intervention (LLI), Oral Language Support, Phonological Early Reading Invention (PERI), Rapid Automatised Naming (RAN). Learning Support Officers are also utilised during English learning time.

We believe daily, independent reading is vital, therefore we work in partnership with parents to positively encourage and monitor home reading.


At St George Preca, we aspire to ensure that students develop useful mathematical and numeracy skills for everyday life. We use ongoing assessment to inform our teaching to be able to cater for students’ individual needs and provide learning experiences that enable and extend our students.

Mathematics is taught according to the Victorian Curriculum and covers the areas of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability that includes the proficiencies of Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning.

In 2019, our F-2 teachers were invited to be involved in the Western Region Early Years Collective. The collective was formed to promote, enhance and sustain ongoing growth in the Early Years Algebraic Thinking for all students considering a range of abilities, through further development of teacher pedagogical practice and knowledge.  We use the PASA assessment tool (Patterns and Structure Assessment) to gather information about students Mathematical Thinking and PASMAP (Patterns and Structure Mathematical Awareness Program) to design a sequence of lessons related to Mathematics in the Victorian Curriculum. Underlying the lessons of PASMAP are the five structures at the centre of early mathematical learning that include: partitioning, equal spacing, structured counting, shape and alignment, sequences.

Mathematics is taught daily across the school. In the early years (F-2) the lessons follow the sequence of PASMAP, namely modelling (make), representing (draw the model) and visualising (draw what you can see in your mind) the concepts that have been taught. These three stages enable students to make generalisations to sustain their learning. In the later years (3-6) students are taught skills explicitly, and apply these through open-ended tasks and challenging, rich learning experiences. Their lessons are complemented with three 20-minute fluency sessions outside of the maths lesson, which focuses on working flexibly with numbers.

Our teachers ensure the correct use of mathematical language as we believe that it plays a vital role in assisting students to explain their thinking and understanding.

Digital Technologies

The use of digital technologies at St George Preca Primary School provides students with tools to enhance their learning and enables them to:

  • develop new thinking and learning skills that promote creativity and innovation
  • develop more productive ways of working and solving problems individually and collaboratively
  • create information products that demonstrate their understanding of concepts, issues, relationships and processes
  • express themselves in contemporary and socially relevant ways
  • communicate locally and globally to solve problems and to share knowledge
  • understand the implications of the use of digital technologies and their social and ethical responsibilities as users of digital technologies.
St George Preca Primary School is equipped with digital displays in each of the learning areas as well as a 1:1 Chromebook in Years 3 – Year 6. Students in Prep to Year 2 have access to iPads and desktops/laptop computers to enhance their learning outcomes using a variety of targeted software and apps. All students at St George Preca Primary are issued with Google for Education accounts and more information can be found under the Policies section of our website.


eSmart is a guiding framework for schools to implement a whole-school culture and behaviour change relevant to the smart, safe and responsible use of digital technologies. eSmart helps teachers, students and the whole school community embrace the benefits of technology and reduce exposure to cyberspace risks such as cyber bullying, identity theft, online predators and inappropriate images and content.
St George Preca is an eSmart accredited Primary School and we encourage everyone in the school community to continue to uphold and promote eSmart behaviours, at school and at home. If you are aware of any incidents of bullying, cyberbullying or risky online behaviour, please contact the Principal or our Student Wellbeing Leader.


Learners at St George Preca Primary School have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of experiences related to The Humanities. This Learning Area focuses specifically on History, Geography, Economics and Civics & Citizenship.


Learners in Years 3 to 6 undertake Educational Research Projects (E.R.P.s) which are based on curriculum content in areas such as The Humanities. These projects allow each learner to make some choices about the topic that they would like to research further (based on the learning intentions) and with teacher support, make decisions about how they would like to demonstrate their understandings. They provide opportunities for learners to take responsibility, investigate, research and make choices about their learning and develop many independent work habits.


The Prep to Year 6 STEM program, expanded in 2021, focuses on cross curricular learning to develop solutions to problems.

Students will be learning STEM within their classrooms and outside on school grounds in hands on and digital settings. They will use concepts across STEM to problem solve and develop integrated skills to grasp new vocabulary, software, hardware.

They will devise solutions to problems they observe in their environment and use reasoning to explain their solutions and how they improve upon it using peer and teacher feedback.

Principles and learning outcomes of science, technology, engineering, art and design as well as mathematics will be used to create. Students will be guided by the outcomes in the Victorian Curriculum to inquire into problems and find solutions. Students will use unplugged coding as well as software programs to create stories, find problems and solve them using cross curricula outcomes.

Students will be given challenges and problems that they must design a solution to. They will build or construct (tangible or digital) effective solutions to problems that include changes and improvements based on peer and teacher feedback.

Students will have to explain their solutions and improvements verbally or within presentations.

The advancement of their skills is aligned to the curriculum and will develop with their skills as they progress through their primary school levels.



Physical Education

Physical Education at St George Preca focuses on developing and maintaining the physical, mental, social and emotional health of our learners. There is emphasis on the importance of a physical activity and a healthy lifestyle for individuals and groups in our society.

Learners participate in sessions of Physical Education once per week and are given the opportunity to participate in a range of individual and team-based activities. They progress from the development of basic motor skills to more complex movement patterns that form part of team games. Senior learners have opportunities to participate in inter-school sports days such as cross-country, swimming, soccer and basketball.

Visual Arts

Learners at St George Preca have many opportunities to participate in Visual Arts experiences on a regular basis and are encouraged to use their creativity and imagination throughout all learning areas.

They also participate in fortnightly sessions of Visual Arts where explicit skills, techniques and concepts are taught. Learners are given opportunities to explore techniques, skills and processes using a range of materials.

They use their own experiences and creative ideas to plan, design and create a variety of arts works. Opportunities are provided for learners to interpret and respond to their own and others’ art work.

Performing Arts

Learners at St George Preca have many opportunities to participate in Performing Arts experiences on a regular basis and are encouraged to use their creativity and imagination throughout all learning areas.

They also participate in fortnightly sessions of Performing Arts, including drama, music and dance, where explicit skills, techniques and concepts are taught. Learners are given opportunities to share and communicate their understandings and express themselves in a variety of different ways.

In Performing Arts sessions, learners are provided with opportunities to be creative and imaginative whilst learning skills, techniques, knowledge and processes. They are also encouraged to reflect on and respond to their own and others’ works.

Languages – Italian

At St. George Preca, all learners participate in learning a language.  The current language provided at our school is Italian.  Learning a language allows learners to further develop their communication skills and knowledge. It also allows students the opportunity to be immersed in another culture, experience another language and gain an understanding and respect of other cultures, their traditions and history.

During Italian sessions the students are engaged in various learning activities to facilitate speaking and reading Italian. Students participate in regular Italian sessions at St. George Preca.