Student Wellbeing

At St George Preca Catholic Primary School we are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all students.

The social, emotional, academic, spiritual and physical wellbeing of our students, in light of the values of St George Preca Catholic Primary School, is pivotal to their success at school and for their future lives. We commit time and effort to promoting positive relationships and effective ways of dealing with conflict and eliminating bullying behaviour.

We are committed to encouraging each person in our community to have a sense of connectedness. We acknowledge that people work and interact more effectively when they feel happy, secure and stimulated.

At St George Preca Primary School, we follow the Berry St Educational Model, an education initiative based on proven positive education, trauma-informed and wellbeing practices that enable students’ academic and personal growth. These skills are taught explicitly in a 1-hour Wellbeing Session each week and are then applied throughout all areas of the curriculum.

We also follow Restorative Practices. Restorative practice is a strategy that seeks to repair relationships that have been damaged, including those damaged through bullying. It does this by bringing about a sense of remorse and restorative action on the part of the offender and forgiveness by the victim.

The rationale behind this approach is that when offenders reflect upon their harm to victims:

  • They become remorseful and act restoratively
  • Practitioners can focus on the unacceptable behaviour of offenders rather than their moral character
  • This can lead to healthier interpersonal relations among members of the school community and more effective learning.